Category: Parlano di Cairepro

The learning space

On 26 March at 6.30 p.m. at the ‘Nilde Iotti’ kindergarten in Via Fratelli Bandiera, 12/C, Reggio Emilia, the project for the new Children’s Pole will be presented. The facility, which will house 3 nursery and 2 kindergarten sections for a total of 96 childrens, will be built near the Nilde Iotti park, formerly the […]

Il Sole 24 Ore – The successful enterprises and entrepreneurs of the Reggio Emilia area

À la suite de la visite du président italien Mattarella dans le district d’entreprises mécatroniques de Reggio Emilia, Il Sole 24 Ore a publié un numéro spécial consacré aux entreprises et aux entrepreneurs prospères de la région de Reggio Emilia. Il Sole 24 Ore has selected Cairepro as a successful architecture and engineering company in […]

Piazza Martiri del 7 luglio and Piazza della Vittoria published on domus web

The online magazine Domus web, a digital rib of the architecture and design periodical founded by Giò Ponti in 1928, features the urban redevelopment project of Piazza Martiri del 7 luglio 1960 and Piazza della Vittoria, carried out by Cairepro in Reggio Emilia. The article, edited by Chiara Testoni, describes 14 major projects of pedestrianised […]

The church building: elements and functions

The design of a liturgical building requires not only technical skills but a broad vision that includes knowledge of the chrisms dictated by the Liturgical Reform on the adaptation of ecclesiastical buildings envisaged by the Second Vatican Council. The magazine Psallite Musica & Liturgia, collects reflections and insights addressed to the musical animators of the […]