Category: Settore Impianti

The learning space

On 26 March at 6.30 p.m. at the ‘Nilde Iotti’ kindergarten in Via Fratelli Bandiera, 12/C, Reggio Emilia, the project for the new Children’s Pole will be presented. The facility, which will house 3 nursery and 2 kindergarten sections for a total of 96 childrens, will be built near the Nilde Iotti park, formerly the […]

The place of knowledge

Saturday 16 March saw the inauguration of Shed 15C, a redeveloped space within the Reggiane Parco Innovazione urban regeneration project as the headquarters of UNIMORE fourth university campus in Reggio Emilia. The building was named after Professor Giulio Santagata, the first president of STU Reggiane spa, a former Minister and collaborator of Romano Prodi. Inside […]

Ospedale in Madagascar

In autumn 2019 CAIREPRO joined the international cooperation project promoted by the DIOCESI OF REGGIO EMILIA AND GUASTALLA “ERO MALATO – HOSPITAL OF AMPASIMANJEVA IN MADAGASCAR”. The project, which concerns a reality that has been followed by the Diocese for over 50 years in one of the most peripheral and poorest areas of Madagascar, is […]

Rigenera la città

Ci troviamo all’interno del Parco Innovazione, un’area di circa 100.000 mq, in passato occupata dalle Officine Meccaniche Italiane, impianto industriale nato nel 1904, protagonista della storia industriale e sociale del ‘900 della città di Reggio Emilia; nel 2008 la fabbrica è stata dismessa e trasferita altrove. Il Comune di Reggio Emilia ha iniziato un’azione di […]

Networked words

We are proud to introduce you to Luca Zanni, a professional from Reggio Emilia in the MEP installations sector, who has been active in design as a freelancer for fifteen years and is now our strong point in the development of the Cairepro MEP engineering sector. Luca, what do you think about your new working […]